Tuesday, June 3, 2014

London's Evolution 2000 Years Ago- Present

link here.
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Habitable Planet Types

Ultimate Solar System

link here.
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Apple Prototypes

link here. link to main source here.
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Measles cases are really high this year.

Thanks For All The Measles, Anti-Vaxxers

link here.
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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind coming to life!

A New Technique Could Erase Painful Memories -- Or Bring Them Back

"By using pulses of light, researchers at the UC San Diego School of Medicine have produced, erased, and restored fearful memories in rats. It's a finding that could have profound implications for people struggling with neurodegenerative and anxiety disorders."
A New Technique Could Erase Painful Memories -- Or Bring Them Back

a few things come to mind.... but mostly...

link here. link to another article here.
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Google's Robotics Companies explained in comics...


"Last year, Google bought eight robotics companies in just six months, making the search giant a US military contractor. So what is the relationship between Google and the Department of Defense? This comic sheds a bit of light on the current situation. Cartoonist and journalist Andy Warner."
Check out the Comic - Google's Other Androids Below.
link to article here. link to Google's Other Androids here.

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We Could All have the Ability to purchase a Flying Car if we backed this company.

FLYING CAR UPDATE: Just Two More Years, Guys!

"Terrafugia — a flying car company with a product that's always just two years away. Well, we've got an important update. The company is looking for just $30 million more to get their product off the ground.
And you'll never guess when they project Terrafugia's flying car will hit the market... mid-2016!"

link here.
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Oldest Clothes in the World.

3,000-3,300 Year Old- Pants were found buried in a cemetery in Xinjiang, China.

5,000 Year Old- Chewing Gum found in Finland.Oldest Chewing Gum (5,000 years old)

5,500 Year Old-Leather Shoe
Oldest Leather Shoe (5,500 years old)

4,800 Year Old- Artificial Eye found in "Burnt City".
Oldest Artificial Eye (4,800 years old)

link here.(pants)
link here.(gum, shoes, eye)

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Villains are better without a backstory...

Are Movie Villains Scarier If We Don't Know Their Backstories?

link here.

my findings...
link here.

(better joker pic)
link here.

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The Facts of Life.

Learn your keyboard shortcuts... fast!
link here.
take it easy ;)