Monday, May 19, 2014

The Reason I loved My 4th Grade Teacher.

Mrs. Salisbury, my 4th grade teacher took 30mins-1hr before lunch everyday and read to us a great selection of books. one of these happened to be made into a movie, "The Last Unicorn".

not sure about the movie, but read the book.

link here.
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Did You See Saturn with your EYES?

Saturn through a telescope
"So I freaked out. In a good way! It was a curiously intense existential moment."

I wish I had a chance to look up that night... it was also the night of Halley's Comet's yearly Eta Aquarid meteor shower...

link here.
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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Humboldt Squid Attacks - Fatal?

These are smaller Humboldt squid,
These use their ability to change their color as a way of communication... they hunt in packs and drag humans down, suggesting that they understand that we need air to breathe.

now imagine going against something this size...

link here.
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Largest and Deadliest Saltwater Fish

Barracudas(they hunt in packs... like wolves... I'll pass.)

Yellow Sea Anemone(Stabs you with paralyzing neurotoxin, so they can eat you easily.)
Photo: A yellow sea anemone

Great White Shark
Photo: A great white shark swims near the water’s surface

Indonesian Needlefish(jump out of water and stab you with its mouth... lights attract them.)
Photo: A swimming school of needlefish

Saltwater Crocodile
Photo: Young crocodile on a riverside

now that you've seen all those... Imagine this...

link here. another link here.
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Largest and the Deadliest Freshwater Creatures in the World!

The Piranha
.Piranha mouth open showing teeth

The Electric Eel
Photo: Electra the electric eel at 1939 the World's Fair

The Tiger Fish
Tiger fish (Hydrocyon vittatus)  Zambezi River

The Anaconda
Photo: Anaconda

Finally, The Scariest Creature of them all...?
The Candiru
Photo: Candiru, parasitic catfish
"These small, narrow fish normally feed on the gills of larger fish in the Amazon. However, over the past few centuries there have been reports of these creatures lodging in the urethras of men and women."
Yup... definitely scariest.

link here.
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Largest and the Deadliest Freshwater Fish in the World!

Giant Sturgeon

Giant freshwaters stingray
Giant Freshwater Stingray

Arapaima - (it breathes air, with lungs... I don't think it's a fish...)

Bullshark - if the water is connected to an ocean...

link here.
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The Alligator Gar. AWARENESS.

I wouldn't want to be in the water with that thing...
The Alligator Gar is a very large freshwater fish with a set of jaws that explain his name.
"Gars are easily distinguished from other freshwater species by their long, slender, cylindrical bodies, long snouts, and diamond-shaped interlocking (ganoid) scales. The tail fin is rounded. Dorsal and anal fins are placed well back on the body and nearly opposite each other. Alligator gar is the largest of the gar species. It can grow up to 8 feet long and weigh more than 300 pounds. Adults have two rows of large teeth on either side of the upper jaw. Coloration is generally brown or olive above and lighter underneath. The species name spatula is Latin for "spoon", referring to the creature's broad snout."
The alligator gar can live for 50-75 years. They can grow to about 8 feet long and can weight as much as 300-350 lbs.
They are located in Texas, and have been seen in some parts of Florida.
Luckily, there are people like this is Texas. Who claimed that he would've broken the record with a 400lb Gar, but it looks like he's just proud of his kill...( link here. )


link here.
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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Jupiter's Storm Spot is shrinking

Jupiter Spot Shrinking

Awesome news, I wonder if these storms could form on Earth...

link here.
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$1,300,000 Booze Vacation.


link here.

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Why is this just being invented NOW?!?

An Instant Slide Makes Stairs Even Better Than a Firehouse Pole
I'll be buying this for my children.

link here.
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Just imagine one of these knocking against your boat...


PETA advised STA Travel to cancel SeaWorld's Animal-Travel Tours

link to article here.
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This is the Yoshi that I Know and Love

I miss this freakin' game...

link to article here.

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Amazing Picture over a mountain.

Just Beautiful!

amazing clouds over a mountain. eerily beautiful.

link to article here.
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Largest Dinosaur of All Time Discovered!!!

titanosaur thigh bone

View image on Twitter

Based on its thigh bones, the massive prehistoric creature was 130 feet long, 65 feet tall and weighed an estimated 85 tons (77 metric tons) — that's as heavy as 14 African elephants.

"Given the size of these bones, which surpass any of the previously known giant animals, the new dinosaur is the largest animal known that walked on Earth," the scientists told the BBC

We just found the largest dinosaur to walk Earth, how is that possible?!?

link to article here
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101 things to put yourself in the shoes of a New Yorker.

101 Things NYC
link here.

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25,000 BEES!!! I am avoiding Europe for awhile.

Student's Car Turns into Nightmare with Addition of 20,000 Bees
Portsmouth, England man went outside to find his car covered with 20,000 BEES

Topshop in Victoria Street, central London
Meanwhile in London, 5,000 Bees take control of a store front.

link to article here. link to another article here.

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This is how we will travel someday, nobody will leave their homes

Exploring the Great Outdoors From a Remote Control iPad-bot

It's kinda creepy, when you really think about it...

Ship your iPad somewhere, have someone take it off the plane, and your adventure starts!

link here.

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Fish get cocky when drunk!

Just Like Stupid Humans, Fish Get Cocky When They Drink
"It is clear that the untreated fish were matching the swimming speed of the alcohol-exposed fish, and this correlation was especially strong at an intermediate level of alcohol exposure. At very high or low levels, the influence decreases."

"In other words, tipsy fish get confident, while drunk-off-their-rocker fish get clumsy. When the drunk fish look like they've got it under control, the sober fish follow their lead. And you thought being at the top of the food chain made you so special."

link here.
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Interesting Title: DRAGONS did it.

I swear, it was a dragon!

I would really like to hear the story behind this one, or at least have been in the area...

link to article here.
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Alcohol Under a Microscope.

I wonder if this could answer why different people feel like they drink certain drinks, but not others.

Different alcoholic drinks under a microscope.

link here.

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Interesting New Toilet Idea.


Saves on water and space, and it flushes after closing...

I could see a few issues with it clogging.

link to article here.
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Amazing Maps Showing Various Awesomeness

The World Divided Into Seven Regions, Each with a Population of One Billion
7 Sections of the World - 1,000,000,000 People Each

How The World Would Look If Mapping Conventions Were Flipped Upside-Down.

Because orienting north toward the top is a matter of convention rather than correctness, a south-up map is technically just as correct as north-up. Maps with different orientations have appeared in several cultures and time periods. The convention of orienting north to the top (and thus east to the right) was probably established by the astronomer Ptolemy.
The world if South was North, which is just as possible.

Happiness Map
Happiness Map.


The World According to Americans

The Most Photographed Places In The World

link to article here.

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Javascript Terrain = FRACTALS

js terrain
I love fractals, personally. They are all around us and they are vital in the building blocks of life.

 Awesome Page to try out the Imagery ---> HERE
"Programmers tend to be lazy (I speak from experience), and one nice side effect of laziness is really brilliant ways to avoid work. In this case, instead of spending mind-numbing hours manually creating what would likely be pretty lame rocky surfaces, we'll get spiritual and teach the computer what it means to be a rock. We'll do this by generating fractals, or shapes that repeat patterns in smaller and smaller variations."

If you're interested in fractal imagery, there is a "sandbox-type" website ---> HERE
(this is probably how AI is going to begin understanding self-evolution,
and build themselves a leader... just  saying.)

link to article here.
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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Awesome Star Wars made from Staples

Thanks for the Favorite --> Holylightangelos @HolyLight7

Artist creates detailed Star Wars mosaics using thousands of staples

Artist creates detailed Star Wars mosaics using thousands of staples

Artist creates detailed Star Wars mosaics using thousands of staples

link here.

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Awesome Wood-Pictures

Thanks for the mention --> Hanzla Natalwala @Hanzla365

How to transfer a picture onto wood,.\\\

link here.

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Awesome New Skyscraper Scares You

Thanks for the Mention --> Spiritual Unite @spiritualunite5

These new skyscraper tilting windows are designed to freak you out

Awesome new skyscraper that scares you on purpose!

"The John Hancock Tower in Chicago rolled out a snazzy scary new attraction for people who visit the top of the skyscraper: windows that tilt down to give you a better view of the ground beneath you. It's like a roller coaster ride for those afraid of heights (that would be me). Just stand next to the window and it'll tilt itself down like you're falling."

link here.
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Our Foods OWN Us

Thanks for the Favorite Lexi Fennell @F189Lexi!

What if food told you the truth.

link here.
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