Saturday, April 19, 2014

Poveglia Island For Sale, The Most Haunted Island

Poveglia Island For Sale, The Most Haunted Island

"This is Poveglia Island, a 17-acre island "between Venice and Lido in the Venetian Lagoon, northern Italy." It was originally used as a dumping ground for dying plague victims. Then in 1922 a mad doctor opened a mental hospital there where he performed lobotomies with hammers and chisels, and eventually killed himself by jumping from the hospital's tower "after claiming he'd been driven mad by ghosts." I dunno, sounds like you might have been mad already, doc. And now it's for sale by the Italian government to help reduce its debts. I say we buy it, bulldoze everything, and build a happy fun amusement park with tons of rides...that kill."

-Link to Article Here.

 take it easy ;)

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