Monday, April 28, 2014

Ice Cold Star Discovered.

Astronomers Have Discovered A Star That's As Cold As Ice

Very interesting. Considering the our sun is 4.6byo and this is already in its cooling cycle... I wonder if theres a way to gauge its age and see its life span.

"astronomer Kevin Luhman noticed that WISE J085510.83-071442.5 was very red and very faint...partly because it is small—perhaps only 2 to 10 times the mass of Jupiter—and partly because it is so cold. It's temperature, Luhman found, is only about 9° F (-13° C). That's well below the freezing point of water. In other words, the brown dwarf is literally ice cold. The fact that it is so cold is a clue to its age. If it started out at a few thousand degrees it would have taken somewhere between 1 and 10 billion years to have cooled to its present temperature."
-link to article here.

take it easy ;)

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