Saturday, April 19, 2014

GoT: Ten Reasons Why Joffrey Totally Deserves It! - SPOILER!

Game of Thrones: Nine Reasons Why Joffrey Totally Deserves It! 

1. He Killed Ned Stark.

2. Ordered the Execution of all of Robert Baratheon's bastards to secure the throne.

3. Killing Sansa's direwolf, named Lady, and the Butcher's Boy, Mycah.

4. Forcing Sansa to stare at her wrongly-beheaded father...
(Putting aside the slaps)

5. Cutting the tongue out of the bard that came up with a song.
("Tell me, do you favor your fingers or your tongue?" Joffrey poses the question to a tavern bard who has devised a popular new song about the death of King Robert.)

6. Forcing Ser Dontos to continuously drink, almost bursting his stomach.
(although Sansa managed to convince Joffrey that it would be back luck to kill a man on his name day.)
7. Everything that he has done to the Prostitutes, including killing Ros.
(Ros and Daisy, just yet. As Joffrey ditches his courtship with Sansa in favor of the benefits of Margaery and the House Tyrell, he also does Littlefinger a solid by inviting Ros (whom Littlefinger caught spying on him) back into his bedchamber so he could finally stick a little something in her (translation: he shot and killed her with a crossbow).

8.No sympathy for Bran, after his fall.
(Joffrey refused to give Catelyn and Ned Stark his condolences. At least that awful moment was mitigated by Tyrion smacking him hard multiple times across the face.)

9. Threatening to Serve Robb Stark's head to Sansa at her wedding. 
(Putting aside Joffrey's excitement about the Red Wedding being a success)

10. The minutes leading up to his death, Torturing Tyrion. 

Just a Friendly Reminder...

And Finally...

-Link to article here. -Link to article here. -Link to article here

take it easy ;)

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