Sunday, April 13, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Black Box Not Pinging its Location Anymore.

I find it hilarious that an airplane that is almost always in some sort of radio communication with their home base, but they have no idea where this plane went... It's hilarious and dumbfounding proof that our technology still has limits and that we need to strive to improve them.

Aviation executive, Geoffrey Thomas responded with:

"We're now into Day 37 of this tragedy. The battery life on the beacons is supposed to last 30 days. We're hoping it might last 40 days. However, it's been four or five days since the last strong pings. What they're hoping for is to get one more, maybe two more pings so they can do a triangulation of the sounds and try and narrow the (search) area."

Full article here.

take it easy ;)

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