Monday, April 14, 2014

Manufacturing Blood for Sale?

"Researchers in the UK have developed a technique to culture universal type-O blood from stem cells. It's the first time scientists have manufactured blood to the appropriate quality and safety standards for transfusion into a human being. It's a breakthrough that could eventually end blood shortages in emergencies.Marc Turner is the principal researcher in this £5 million (USD $8.37 million ) project, one that's funded by the Wellcome Trust. He recently told The Telegraph about how he made red blood cells fit for clinical transfusion."
Link to Article Here

"“Although similar research has been conducted elsewhere, this is the first time anybody has manufactured blood to the appropriate quality and safety standards for transfusion into a human being,” said Prof Turner.
...It will most likely involve the treatment of three patients with Thalassaemia, a blood disorder requiring regular transfusions. The behaviour of the manufactured blood cells will then be monitored.
“The cells will be safe,” he said, adding that there are processes whereby cells can be removed."
Link to Article Here

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