Tuesday, April 15, 2014

NASA’s Cassini orbiter witnessed the birth of Saturn's new moon

NASA’s Cassini orbiter witnessed the birth of Saturn's new moon

Just amazing that we can get close enough to take these pictures, and that we have the technology to zoom and image enhance. It's unbelievable, and then the creation and destruction of two new moons around Saturn. This is pretty awesome.

"...that shows the birth of a new moon emerging from the rings of Saturn. The facts are a little hazy at the moment because we only have a handful of photos to work from, but there is some evidence to suggest that Cassini has actually spotted two new moons over the last couple of years, and that one of those moons has since been destroyed. Never in the history of humanity have we spotted the creation (or destruction) of a moon — and, more importantly (at least as far as science is concerned), this could tell us a lot about how Saturn’s larger moons formed over the last few billion years."
-Link to the Article Here.

take it easy ;)

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