Thursday, April 10, 2014

For $1,400 a Month, You Can Share a Lower East Side Apartment With A Sad, Sad Man

Sounds like something that the Onion would publish... pretty funny though.

For $1,400 a Month, You Can Share a Lower East Side Apartment With A Sad, Sad Man

picture from CL ad.

Here’s the full ad:
“girlfriend is moving out with some guy named ben… not sure what that’s about, but i can’t afford this place without her… located in the heart of lower east side, across the street from soho and nolita, and east village, and all the goods. apartment is 440 sq ft, i have 2 cats, i’m from california, i work from home, i go out at night, some shinanigans, but trustworthy. You can have the bedroom, i’ll sleep in the living room, i don’t sleep much anyway, i do graphics, attend classes on occasion, and what not. i don’t smoke cigarettes in the house, vaporize only in the apartment, it’s too small, it makes the clothes stink…” - Link to Article

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