Thursday, April 10, 2014

Game of Thrones Intro song expressed using Emoji

Game of Thrones Intro song expressed using Emoji
watch the show!!! and then watch this movie.

"You could read the books. You could borrow your friend's HBO Go account to watch the show. You can spoil yourself by just existing on the Internet. Or you can catch up with the last season of Game of Thrones through this surprisingly good emoji recap. Yeah, emojis. 
It covers the big happenings of season 3—who boned, who died, who's alive—with the magic of everyone's favorite form of smiley face communication. To be fair, you need to sort of know who's who (or at least, who's what animal) in order to follow the emoji recap, made by Cara Rose DeFabio, but if you do know a bit, it's pretty damn funny how it illustrates what happens." 

take it easy ;)

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