Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How to Win 5 Board Games(Monopoly, Chess)

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10 Discoveries Explained by Science

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Mobius Bridges and Buildings

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The End of Everything

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Octopus Facts - Pretty hilarious

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Meat-Eating Plants!!!

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Twenty Strangers Kiss for the first time!

amazing video. watch the connections happen....

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Super Massive Black Hole Eats Gas Cloud


"The supermassive black hole known as Sgr A* is about 4 million times the mass of the sun and lies about 26,000 light years from Earth in the center of the Milky Way galaxy."

This video shows the super massive black hole destroying the gas cloud.

-link to article here.

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Use your USB Flash Drive to Lock Your Computer

Link to Application Here.
"You can lock and unlock your computer with a physical device, pretty much like they do in the movies. Use the free PREDATOR application, which turns a USB flash drive into an access control device – a key for your computer. When you leave your PC, unplug the USB stick and your computer will be locked. When you return, plug it back in and your computer will be unlocked. It's like using the Lock function in Windows, but you don't have to type your password when you return. When you unplug your USB flash drive, your open windows will minimize and your screen will go dark – plug it back in and your screen will turn back on."

4 More awesome USB tricks --> link to article here.

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Scientists Finally Figured out how Egyptians Built the Pyramids.

Scientists Discovered the Egyptian Secret to Moving Huge Pyramid Stones

The "trick" to moving these giant boulders is in the picture above. The guy in the front of the sled is pouring water or some liquid onto the sand which reduced the drag of the sled by half.

link to article here.

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Putnisite, A New Mineral Discovered in Australia


It contains strontium, calcium, chromium, sulphur, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.
Looks pretty amazing to me... I bet its going to be expensive...

link to article here.

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This would totally be worth the Detention.

Worth it..

link to article here.

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Off-Set - Game of Thrones Cast







-link to article here.

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Star Wars Episode 7 Official Cast

Star Wars Episode VII Cast Announced

Actors: John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow will join the original stars of the saga, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker in the new film.

Director J.J. Abrams says, "We are so excited to finally share the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII. It is both thrilling and surreal to watch the beloved original cast and these brilliant new performers come together to bring this world to life, once again. We start shooting in a couple of weeks, and everyone is doing their best to make the fans proud."

link to article here.

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Every Human on Earth in the Grand Canyon

What If You Piled Every Human On Earth Into The Grand Canyon?
A morbid way to look at our total population, and the fact that we could probably survive without overcrowding certain areas. That is, if we spread out over the land...
but who doesn't like living in the city?

-link to article here.

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Great quote I will share with my kids.

This should be shown to every kid.

-link to article here.

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Monday, April 28, 2014

CORONA Finds 10,000 Lost Cities and Ruins

"CORONA was the code name for the United States' first photographic spy satellite mission. For 12 years, it brought back intelligence on the USSR, China, and the Middle East. But that wasn't all its grainy, black and white images captured—it turns out it also caught an incredible number of undiscovered ancient settlements."
-link to article here.

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Ice Cold Star Discovered.

Astronomers Have Discovered A Star That's As Cold As Ice

Very interesting. Considering the our sun is 4.6byo and this is already in its cooling cycle... I wonder if theres a way to gauge its age and see its life span.

"astronomer Kevin Luhman noticed that WISE J085510.83-071442.5 was very red and very faint...partly because it is small—perhaps only 2 to 10 times the mass of Jupiter—and partly because it is so cold. It's temperature, Luhman found, is only about 9° F (-13° C). That's well below the freezing point of water. In other words, the brown dwarf is literally ice cold. The fact that it is so cold is a clue to its age. If it started out at a few thousand degrees it would have taken somewhere between 1 and 10 billion years to have cooled to its present temperature."
-link to article here.

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True Story..

A lot of problems in the future may be avoided this way

-link to article here.
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I was just doing this...

-link to article here.

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Awesomely Scribbled Sharpie Drawings





Malaysia-based illustrator Vince Low uses a playful scribbling technique to produce his energetic black and white portraits. He first discovered his lively process while doodling in his sketchbook. He realized that his notes were actually the path towards worthwhile final products.

Low says, "I knew that it would be a challenge for me to scribble out and capture the souls and characters of those people in the portraits. For that reason, I was determined to make a breakthrough by bringing my crafting skills to a whole new level."

See more of Vince Low's art at his Facebook page or at his website HERE

Simply Scribbly complex crafting by Vince Low
link to article here.

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Apples Contain DPA, Something to look out for...


Interesting, I wish I knew what to look out for, maybe a certain local variety would be okay? Just my food for thought.
"According to EWG, in 2010, when the US Department of Agriculture last looked for DPA residues on US-grown apples, it found them on 80 percent of samples."
"DPA isn't believed to be harmful on its own. But it has the potential to break down into a family of carcinogens called nitrosamines—not something you want to find on your daily apple."
-Link to article here.

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Rights Movements...Should Think about it.

Same vs Equal

-link to article here.

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Jaime Lanister "The King Slayer"

Hilarious little thing about the king-slayer.
"I play both"

-link to article here.

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9th Century IS NOT 900-1000

I'm a History major, but I just can't get over this...

-link to article here.

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Planet Discovery Time-Lapse

The number of new planets discovered in 2014.

link to the article here.

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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Shark Tea-time

Tea shark time

-link to article here.

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Nikola Tesla is a freaking genius.

I love Nikola Tesla

-link to article here.

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Between two Ferns

Zach And Justin

-Link to Between two Ferns. -link to picture source.

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Leonidas eats at home...

As a married man I know how Leonidas is feeling.

-link to article here.
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Tallest Statue in the world

The tallest statue in the world

-link to article here.

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the US's measuring system compared to the rest of the world

America. F**k yeah!

-link to article here.
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10 Creatures that you should know more about!

  1. Dumbo Octopus - Link to Article Here.

  2. Lamprey - Link to Article here.

  3. Giant Isopod - Link to Article here.

  4. The Bush Viper - Link to Article here.
  5. Vampire Squid - Link to Article here.

  6. Pacific Blackdragon - Link to Article here.

  7. Blue Ringed Octopus - Link to Article here.

  8. Platypus - Link to Article here.

  9. Micro Chameleon  - Link to Article here.

  10. Narwhal - Link to Article here.

  11. (Extinct)the Cave Lion - Link to Article here.

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Friday, April 25, 2014


Megalodon FACTS:

1. Megalodon's teeth were about 7 inches long.
3. Megalodon had the most powerful bite of any creature that ever lived.4. Megalodon may have grown to a length of over 60 feet...5. Megalodon lunched on giant whales.7. ...and may have disabled them by biting off their fins.8. Megalodon's closest living relative is the Great White Shark.9. Megalodon fossils have been found all over the world.10. No one knows why Megalodon went extinct.

Megalodon Jaws Fossil Shark

-Link to article here. -Link to video here.

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Animation showing how Tsunamis are the Monsters of the Sea

Watch the video from Alex Gendler!

-link to article here.
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Amazing Ring Made of Dinosaur Bone, Meteorite, and Gold

Shut up and take my money!

-link to source here.
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Silicon Valley in Center of Terrible Drought


"For the first time in the 15-year history of the monitor, 100% of California is experiencing "moderate" to "exceptional" drought. A majority of the state (77%) is experiencing "extreme" to "exceptional" drought, which are the two most severe categories. That was up nearly 10 percentage points compared to just one week ago.
The worst drought category now extends across all of Silicon Valley and Monterey County, where water managers are announcing cutbacks to summertime water deliveries, and are putting in place water restrictions that could impact everyone from individual households to high-tech manufacturers of computer chips."
-link to article here.
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Throw away Expired pills with Kitty Litter, Says FDA

"According to the FDA, flushing is a no-no; proper protocol is mixing them with kitty litter before bagging them up and throwing them out.
Well, actually, the agency recommends kitty litter, coffee grounds, or any "undesirable substance." That seems… weird. Right? For a second I (very foolishly) thought—whoa, do those somehow neutralize the medicine's effect? Duh. No (idiot). But it will potentially put off kids and pets and anyone scrounging through your garbage looking for goodies."

-Link to article here.

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Awesome idea by UK!

Good job, UK!

We should do this everywhere!

-link to article here.
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