Saturday, May 17, 2014

Javascript Terrain = FRACTALS

js terrain
I love fractals, personally. They are all around us and they are vital in the building blocks of life.

 Awesome Page to try out the Imagery ---> HERE
"Programmers tend to be lazy (I speak from experience), and one nice side effect of laziness is really brilliant ways to avoid work. In this case, instead of spending mind-numbing hours manually creating what would likely be pretty lame rocky surfaces, we'll get spiritual and teach the computer what it means to be a rock. We'll do this by generating fractals, or shapes that repeat patterns in smaller and smaller variations."

If you're interested in fractal imagery, there is a "sandbox-type" website ---> HERE
(this is probably how AI is going to begin understanding self-evolution,
and build themselves a leader... just  saying.)

link to article here.
take it easy ;)

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