Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Milky Way's Magnetic Fingerprint

First re-tweet goes out to @CHEEZBANKROLL. Thanks for the promo.

This Is the Milky Way's Magnetic Fingerprint

"In space, the light emitted by stars, gas and dust can also be polarised in various ways. By measuring the amount of polarisation in this light, astronomers can study the physical processes that caused the polarisation. In particular, polarisation may reveal the existence and properties of magnetic fields in the medium light has travelled through...
Even though the tiny dust grains are very cold, they do emit light but at very long wavelengths – from the infrared to the microwave domain. If the grains are not symmetrical, more of that light comes out vibrating parallel to the longest axis of the grain, making the light polarized."
link to the article here. link to another article here.

take it easy ;)

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