Saturday, May 17, 2014

Amazing Maps Showing Various Awesomeness

The World Divided Into Seven Regions, Each with a Population of One Billion
7 Sections of the World - 1,000,000,000 People Each

How The World Would Look If Mapping Conventions Were Flipped Upside-Down.

Because orienting north toward the top is a matter of convention rather than correctness, a south-up map is technically just as correct as north-up. Maps with different orientations have appeared in several cultures and time periods. The convention of orienting north to the top (and thus east to the right) was probably established by the astronomer Ptolemy.
The world if South was North, which is just as possible.

Happiness Map
Happiness Map.


The World According to Americans

The Most Photographed Places In The World

link to article here.

take it easy ;)

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